Booking conditions of Hotel La Glorieta

Booking conditions

Check-in and check-out times:

Check-in time at 14.00h

Departure time at 12.00h

Please inform if you arrive later than 20.00h

Our restaurant closes Sunday night (in low season)


The remaining amount of the stay will be paid directly to the hotel, at the time of departure.

Cancellation Policy

No amount will be charged from your credit card if the cancellation is made at least 48 hours before the day of check-in.

If the cancellation is made during the previous 48 hours on the day of entry, it would mean the user the loss of the deposit made.

No Show Charges

In the event that you do not show up at the hotel without prior notice, your credit card will be charged for one day of stay in addition to the deposit for cancellation fees.